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How to remove an employee

Remove an employee from the appointment book #

  1. Go to EmployeesChoose your desired employeeAppt. SetupEdit.
  2. Set ‘Should this employee have a column on the appointment book?‘ to ‘No‘ and click Save.
  3. If this employee has future appointments, it will prompt you to move/delete them.
  4. Once they have no outstanding future appointments/special breaks, they will be removed from the book.

Remove an employee’s access to Insight and the Insight App #

  1. Go to Employees → Choose your desired employee → Click Terminate (bottom-right) → Set the employees last date of employment.
  2. Click the System Access tab → Edit AccessUncheck Everything (top-right side) → Yes → Save.
  3. This removes their access from Insight and the Insight App.

Remove an employee from Insight completely #

  1. Go to Employees → Choose your desired employee → Click Terminate (bottom-right) → Set the employees last date of employment.
  2. This will reveal a Deactivate Employee button in the bottom-right corner.
  3. Click Deactivate Employee.
  4. The employee will now be removed from Insight and will not show in reports, sales, etc.
  5. You can reactivate a deactivated employee in Employees Show all (bottom left) → Choose your desired employee → Reactivate Employee (bottom-right).

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