Why Insight For My Tattoo Studio?
Appointment Scheduling
Fast & easy scheduling. Simple drag & drop appointment moving. Allow your clients to book online 24/7. Check clients in, book new ones & find out who’s available. Color coding for types of services. Employees can view their appointments on their phones.
Client Management
Obtain and store client information quickly. Keep unlimited photos and notes of each clients. Track products, services, referral and appointment history. Referral tracking from existing clients. Display a list of all past, future and “no show” appointments.
Point of Sale System
Cash out clients quickly and accurately. Ties in with your current payment options. Process any credit card. Handle multiple payment methods on one invoice. Accept deposits – apply when client has been tattooed.
Employee & Services Management
Manage staff scheduling, payroll, chair or room rental & artist payout. Track sales, performance & time clock. Store employee details & photos confidentially. Set up pricing grid based on employee experience or skill. Reserve specialized equipment & rooms.
Email Marketing
Target your clients and reduce no-shows. Set up loyalty programs to reward clients and keep them coming back. Automatic or manual text message or email to confirm appointments, advertise specials, replace last minute cancellations and more.
Mobile App
Allow your employees to book, edit and cancel their appointments on their mobile device. View and edit client information, check-in clients and take pictures and add to clients file.